An old adage that’s been mostly forgotten and desperately needs to make a comeback in our time. It goes like this: “There are two types of people in the world: those that want to be left alone, and those who never leave you alone.”
I have both feet firmly planted in the first camp. Unfortunately, I now live in a time and place in history in which those in the latter camp have taken over just about everything: the government, the mainstream, Big-Pharma medical industry, the mainstream “news” information industry, the mainstream, Big-Agra food industry, government “public” education, organized religion, etc.
I should have been born a century and a half ago. I would much, much, MUCH rather put up with rattlesnakes, “Indian wars,” higher infant mortality, eating nothing but beans and meat and weeds, and having to make and wash my own britches—all of these would be a wondrous living existential blissful dream if only they came with a plot of settler’s land and a government and media and greedy, modern, corporate entities that had no way to snoop on me, no way to lie to me, no way to steal from me. I am a LMtFA-type of person. I wish there were more like me. There are some. But if the last three years taught me anything, it taught me that folks like me are hugely outnumbered at this time and in this place in history.