Let it be that we should see
and be it wit in your write
or just a thrill
some fright that runs after you
or a fear made real
and you
hold a laugh in or you
Hold on for dear life
Your hands.
Your skill.
Your pen*
Like the knife
Cuts to the core.
Strength in the dance
Words can say it if you let them.
Give them the chance;
Each one will mean it too!
Would life be a dream then,
if we dont live to know them,
Not to live but to think it?
Is not each view a stroke of a truth
Laid out in each wave
Time glides through
Ore the things
We act out
As the play scribes say
Life is but a stage;
Or your mom in 7th grade who states
It's just a phase!
No, not this; not these.
Most pure blocks we build up
What we are
What we made us of.
Turn not your cheek
To turn of phrase!
Let your mind
Speak from the soul
To the pen
To our age
Ane all who come next.
Let it be so.
P.S: SYLLABLE-PHOBICS BE DAMED! Each single syllables word was the wrenching pluck pain of my vocabularies short and curlies and now my eyes are watering and ive just gotta lie down a minute verbally so I have to express (colloquially) "That's fucked! This challenge was hard and I'm done.