The inside of your Mother's day card
Show me what you'd write inside of a card for your mom (whether she be here or not). No rules on it being happy, just make it honest-- I know not everyone has a great relationship/memories with their mother. Happy Mother's Day to the moms out there. That is all.
Missing You Mom...
I know it's been sixteen years since your passing, but the pain is always there. The pain of missing you. The pain of not being able to just pick up the phone and calling you just to say hi. The pain of not having my advisor when I need advice or someone to just say that I'm making the right decision. The pain of not hearing your voice, seeing your face, or hearing your laugh. The pain of loving you and you not being there. The pain of not being able to honor you and celebrate you on this special day...the pain of not having my mother.
Happy Mother's Day to the best mother in the world. I miss and love you so much.