My fellow writers, I must preface this by saying I am very disappointed with
the censorship that is seeming to take over all social media.
Religion, racism, image shaming,
Fake propaganda and now you can’t even make a simple post without getting attacked simply because they disagree.
I don’t understand it all because I was raised and raised my children to move on and leave those people behind.
Love and compassion and concern for others has been my life.
It makes me very sad and angry that when I post an observation ( it was clearly stated it was an observation)
that others pop on there and are just mean! I believe in live and let live, I may not agree with someone but I don’t have the right nor am I entitled
to get on someone else’s post just to tell them how much I disagree or hate their opinion.
If you’re an American, that’s not freedom of speech it’s just downright being rude and hateful under the guise of Freedom of Speech. Frankly it needs to stop. Allowing a certain group of people to be disrespectful but censoring someone else who isn’t the same as that group is just as bad.
Being biased against others because of color, politics or creed is wrong and I am thinking of getting off social media completely.