Before all my days are yesterdays
I'm sorry. I know I am dropping the ball, as it were, disrupting your life by trying to live mine, if only for a year, to write that novel that's been simmering near the surface for so long under the busy-ness of daily life. I'm burying myself in the cabin I mentioned more than once (though it's possible no one was listening), before life has passed me by and all I've done is be there for everyone but me. You have told me often that you all need me so much and what would we do without you and you'd better take care of yourself, we need you. I know you need me, so I've left a book on my desk with all the things you need to do to get through the next year without me. The book is divided into sections: you each have one. You can do this. I must do this lest I grow resentful and bitter. I love you all dearly. Do not worry and please do not contact me. I will return when my lease is up.