Rolling With The Flow
There are definitely highs, with those highs come hard punching gut-wrenching lows
I have young students who have struggles too large for their small selves
I guess we never know the true hardships that one tows
It is so sad because their childhoods have been placed out of reach on high shelves.
When kids come and search you out
You see their face and you know by their haunting stare
Their body language if it could talk would be like a strong painful shout
They need your hug, a kind word, and your love because they know you care.
I have been confided in once again countless times this year
You have to maintain composure while in the midst of that talk
You try hard but sometimes it is ok, you need to let them see that slow rolling tear
Other times you know you just have to release it alone on a silent walk.
Texas just told me I have the honor of being in the top 5% of educators in the state
I appreciate it I do; it will be on my certificate and reflect in my pay for five years
Educators know we must come ready, come early and stay late
It's all about getting kids to where they need to be constantly shifting those gears.
Again, I am honored and proud to be recognized as a Master Teacher
I know for certain though, there is just one Master
And he is truly the greatest Teacher
He hears our stories, knows our tears, hopes and prayers for He is the Master.
God, please bless all your children around the world from small to tall
please Lord hold us, guide us and calm our fears
We may stumble in life, but you will not let us fall
With your tender mercies you see us through all our years.