Points to Ponder in a Politically Correct World
01). Why would Obama warn us about global warming and rising sea levels and then live in a mansion of the coast?
02). As bad as Merrick Garland is as Attorney General, imagine how bad he would have been as a SCOTUS member.
03). Anheuser-Busch learned going woke was bad for its stock price. How long before Target and Walmart learn this obvious lesson?
04). If Democrats stopped shooting people, gun violence rates would drop nearly to zero.
05). Do you remember when climate change was global warming (or global cooling back in the 70's), undocumented workers were illegal aliens (because they broke the law illegally crossing the border), adolescent gender affirmation was mutilation, and gun safety reform was gun control was gun confiscation?
06). How many times must Biden fall off his bicycle, down a flight of stairs, or (even) up a flight of stairs before the media reports that there is something physically wrong with Biden?
07). How many days must Hunter smoke crack, pay for prostitutes, demand payments for White House access, and pay 10% to the "Big Guy" White House occupant before the media reports there is something legally wrong with this crime family? If only there was a laptop with conclusive evidence.
08). Is a woman who is "Pro-Choice" when she chooses life, still "Pro-Choice"?
09). Both the IRS and the FBI (possibly more) are weaponized government agencies working against the American people. This is not a issue of Democrat v Republican. This is enforcement of tyranny, plain and simple.