Rushing Around
Rushing Around was a temperamental child
Always on the edge of an explosion
When he and his friends got together awhile
The air was always filled with emotion
Days would come and go with lightning speed
Months would disappear in a blur
Always too busy to stop and see
If his efforts ever had any worth
One day Rushing ran into his brother
Amidst all his rushing around
He discovered his parents had passed away
But he was nowhere to be found
So, Rushing did what he always did
And rushed to where his parents used to live
He found his old home was abandoned
No sign of the life he had lived
He was struck with a thought that made him stand still
A rare thing indeed for the boy
His parents had urged him, take life by the reigns
Get all that you can and enjoy
When the holidays came they invited him home
But he was too busy to come
He was too busy, being busy alone
His folks said goodbye and were gone
Rushing sat down and he thought for awhile
What was his life all about
With all of his getting and rushing around
He had left the best part of life out
He determined right then, that a change would be made
Things just couldn’t remain the same
He would call up his brother and the ones that he loved
He even thought of changing his name
So, Rushing rushed home and got down on his knees
He knew he needed help with his plan
And his life started over that very afternoon
As he took the Savior’s nail pierced hand
Now, Rushing Around is Rushing NoMore
The boy has become a new man
His brother and his friends are amazed at the change
Since he took the Savior’s nail pierced hand
Rushing realized what we must realize
We can be driven or led
Driven by the illusion that we know the end
Surprised when we end up dead
Or led by our Maker who flaunts His wares
Declaring that He has a plan
Urging us yield from the depths of our hearts
And be led…by the nail pierced hand