The Baking Sale Day has arrived in their small town. All bakers came with their delicious desserts to show to the people who would buy and eat them. Suspecting Elanor by giving cakes to people who ate to turn into Zambies. Then, they threw her into jail without trial. Speculations about her were wrong.
Despite this, the Baking Sale Day always happens on the weekends. Her friend Eve baked a cake and turned out the same result as Elanor, turning people into Zambies. Also, Eve threw into jail.
That made Detective Mike suspicious because the bakers never make cakes with this stuff before. Then, who was behind all these cakes that made people turn into Zambies?
Around the town, a girl with a black jacket Nikki has a bottle of Z virus (green liquid). She gave a drop to the already-made desserts. Those desserts were already infected. After that, she went to a hideout. She carried orders for the Zambie dictator, who wanted to build an army against humanity.
Meanwhile, both Elanor and Eve wanted to escape from jail. Furthermore, one spoke to the security, who did not let them out. So Mike arrived to have a word with him. The security released the young ladies from prison. Before they went home, they received a ride from Mike, who spotted the suspicious Zambie in the alley. Mike chased after it while they locked in the car.
That was a rare occasion before the third Bake Sale Day. Anyways, Mike shot down the Zambie. He found the crumbs that have the green liquid. It was the same evidence from the cakes earlier in the month. He took the sample in a bag and hid it in his pocket. He went back to find his car.
There was at least a group of twenty Zambies around his car. He hid quickly to dial the police to come. They arrived and shot down the Zambies. Mike came out and found the young ladies safe and terrified. He drove the car to their house, dropping them one by one. He told them not to make desserts for the safety of the people. They refused.
On the third Bake Sale Day, there were many desserts like cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and ice cream. Mike knew this and announced it before the event started. People reacted in disrespectful ways to him. So the event ended with the same result as Zambies.
The people who found their families and friends turned into weird creatures. They ran for their lives or called for help from the police. It was chaos. Mike knew this would happen, but he did not know that the start of the apocalypse.
Elanor and Eve went to hiding and figured that Mike was right about this. In the abandoned building, they found used items to hit as many creatures as they went and avoided the bites from their mouths. However, Even was bitten, so she wanted Elanor to find Mike.
Elanor found Mike shooting Zambies all around the tables. She was saying about her friend being bitten once by a Zambie to him. She did do anything about it. Mike protected her from incoming Zambies and went to his car to drive off.
Elanor admitted that she trusted him about the desserts that turned people into Zambies. He told her that there were any survivors in the town. She looked around in the car and wanted to find her family. He drove to her house, which was empty. Then, they searched for Eve’s family, who already transformed into creatures and wanted to bite their skins off. The duo ran to the car and drove to the edge of the town.
They finally found Elanor’s family. They were safe for now. While the girl, Nikki, told the dictator already has an army. The dictator wanted to take over the country for the next task, but she was tired and left him alone.
He thought about the next task to roam the next town to bite humans without relying on the bottle of Z virus and find the girl again. So he can teach her a lesson or turn her into a Zambie.
Nikki was lost when she looked for Mike, Elanor, and her family in the town. She rushed to talk to Mike and pulled her to the side. Nikki gave him the Z virus bottle and told him that the Zambie dictator she was working for continued doing this to take over the country and the world if he did, then it was impossible.
Making her friend turn into a Zambie, Elanor butted in to fight and blamed her. They have a hard time working together against the army of Zambies.
Nikki was against helping the dictator after he caught her off guard. She wanted to save the world, but he bit her off her head. Elanor was shocked and told Mike about it. Mike came face to face with Nikki, the distorted figure. Zambies surrounded Elanor’s family.
The dictator constantly fell and lost the green liquid from his body, and Detective Mike fist-punched him. Elanor came to punch him with the stool and shouted that he makes people hate more people because you make them once in your lifetime.
Once the corpse fell, the army of Zambies looked at Elanor for her body and head. Mike shot them, so her family used whatever they found to knock their brains out. So much green liquid poured into the town, and the survivors were relieved.
The image I provided was from 3-D objects and the painted stuff that I created past years, except the ceramic cupcake. The image provides some desserts for content.