In April
In April, I found love, twice
And I paid the price
One was a crush
The other not so much
In April, I knew sunlight
And I also knew night
One made life beautiful
The other made it dutiful
In April, I knew flowers
I also knew power
As I left March to April's scent
I also left it to find what life meant
In April, I saw life bloom
And I read Eliot dress it in doom
It is out of this womb
That I saw a day loom
April's day is a difference
Between closeness and distance
Where a heart hurries a distant memory
And close memories are not a remedy
Because one April day my love was born
Another April day my love was sworn
I didn't find my love among the touched
And I touched that which I didn't care for much
So, can the next April be the same
Where I see a face that doesn't have the name
And tell myself some other time
I'll split the stale from the sublime
In April, I learned a lesson few learn
It's possible to yearn
But the clock has no hands to turn
This April: Change is everyone's cocooned concern