Challenge of the Week CCXXVIII
This week, post a poem of that isn't necessarily your favorite, but it's a favorite of those who read you. Winner is decided by likes and us. As usual, 25 bucks is paid to the winner. Go.
Of Above
How high above be the one kind,
angel in simple garb of man.
Light of above that cometh down!
How rare be they to find!
Light shineth through thee can
reverse the despair'ed frown.
Soft chant, gentle hum that flow
the air alive, when the kind find me
in the darkness of my despair.
The tears from heart that glow!
Naught before hath I found be;
angel of above, gentle and fair!
Fall not into despair of dark,
A light remaineth in darken world!
There be angelic souls amid foul men,
For thee of above left ever thy mark.
The gentle touched doth unfurled,
A sweet blossom amid chains of the evil fen!