The U Turn 00:11
Synopsis Reminded: The talk between Human and Machine is Blurred
Subtitle: He Processes the Data (on Screen)
What's it like?
..what's what...?
What's it like... making love, without me?
Very presumptive of you.
...the making-love?
No. The With Out.
Wait. what. no!
Do you really think that's possible?
...umm hey you need some process time...?
Yeah. give me a second.
Of course. Take two ...
Okay. O.K. ...then if Not-with-out, then...?
Then, it must be with. Right?
Right. right. And that would look like... ?!
...well no... It ssssoundssss like!
... ?
...Like... like wind, chimes..... . . . . . . .
Oh. nice. i like that. Very nice...!
...with a name on it. Sometimes.
Shit . Really..? Do you... do you... see my face...?
...uh ...which one?
...Just joking.
*Sigh. right. thx.