Tell me about your mother. From award winning actors to serial killers, mother's get credit for a lot of things. Do you attribute your life/personality to your mother? Good, bad, ugly? I'd love to hear about it, any form.
It starts with Supergirl
Flying to get us when we are sick
She slays the villainous cold with ice cream and kisses.
As time goes on, she becomes Wonder Woman
Carrying all the school books and bags
The shopping hanging from the tips of her fingers.
Wonder Woman transforms into Cruella De Vil
Stopping us from seeing friends because we "have" to study
Nothing can halt her rampage.
Cruella De Vil turns into Batwoman
The one you call in tears after a tough exam
The one you look forward to seeing when going home
The one whose cooking you miss.
Then comes Black Widow
Both good and evil
The one you know will understand
when you become Supergirl.