Challenge of the Week CCXXIX
Write a short piece about a narrow escape. Story or poem. 25 big, fat bucks to the winner. Go.
paranoid and naked
then the grass
firm beneath my feet
seems to become unsteady
he's sure to look for me
every man i see
looks a little bit like him
but i promise i wont die
im not going out like this
but then again im tired
and woth him i'd have a place to stay
but i have to stay strong
and focus on getting away
because though i'd have a bed
i'd have a hard time sleeping
scared of the knife
and he's scared of the secrets i'd be keeping
so off i go into
the woods paranoid and naked
and hopefully find a town
and find a police station
but if i dont
cuz i know i wont
i can say that i tried
if it kills me
i tried