taraxacum tears.
Wandering the breezes
Lost in the cerulean
Blonde hair bed head sleaze
Sunbeam's spit spattered on green
I spill secrets with the wind
And swim with the tall grasses
Sleeping where life is skinned
Through the cracks and the brasses
Yellow tainted hands
Hand me to mother
Tooth-gap smiles and
a bouquet- make another
Blow me
Braid me
Brew me
Kill me
Now you grow to call me "weed"
A salute of the slums
Wild thug of the treed
A white picket criminal glum
I am the garden's villain
The sunny overkill
Living is my sin
Trespasser on the hill
Am I not enough
When did I become but a seed
You mow me out like scruff
I pray ask, do I not bleed
My white tears spill up to the blue
A forgotten flower by you