Challenge of the Month XL
Above the body after death: Something all of us have heard or read about, or seen in documentaries or on film. Across human history, there has been one outlier that purely represents any given emotionally tied flashback that someone would have seen before dying: Good, bad, heartbreak, excitement, betrayal, or love that was not able to see itself through, and many more. Write a story or poem about this, the extreme outliers, both what they're flashing back to, and why they're about to die. Winning piece of ethereal lift and float gets the $100. Go.
One moment
Twins, are we?
Destined to be apart?
Can we catch our last breath
Tied up as one heart?
You’ll be there, I’ll be here
No matter where
You’ll know that I’ll hear
What words for me you have to spare
We lived apart, it had to be
Life dictates and we submit
But the heart is mystic mystery
No one can control it
For yes, it was love denied
And I hope it sees the light of death
After I never got satisfied
I hope I get it with my ousted breath
I have the stamp of your lips on mine
Not a kiss but a word together said
In a lifetime, I failed to make you mine
In one exit, one moment instead