Have you seen any of them?
You probably don’t
Fully shampooed and perfumed and then
What they will, they won’t
Perfect in hygiene, pearly smile
Toothbrush ready to go
Live with them for a while
And you’ll see the lower beanstalk they grow
For under the red riding hood
There hides the wolf within
Oh what lofty mess of the food
They leave uneaten to the level of sin
Suddenly there, suddenly not
Off looking for the next best deal
And when you’ve figured what rhythm they’ve got
They’ll break tune; Reality’s is just not real
Their message: I can do what I want
Their message: I won’t do what you want
Your message: Leave it and don’t flaunt
Their message: I win and you won’t
There are those who have shoulders
And there are those who have empty hands
The first ones carry the weight of the boulders
The second: frozen fixtures as they just stand
In your home do you see them as they dream?
But you might be the only thing that’s their reality
As they appear, how superhero like they seem
But they walk the tightrope that binds us all: fidelity.