This book has been purposefully written without the inclusion of a resource list, glossary, or bibliography, for the facts and real U.S. history contained within.
The reason is simple; this narrative was written to enlighten in a manner of one human being talking to another, as one U.S. citizen in time to other U.S. citizens and the world, throughout time.
Readers are encouraged to do their own research, as these accounts are truncated and meant to get readers thinking, and then taking action to ensure our generation of humanity treats each other better than our ancestors. For the readers benefit, referenced points are underlined and dated with a year so those who do want to verify for themselves, can do so easily.
This book is also written in two parts, with several chapters in each. Part 1 is focused on the historical events themselves as they happened, while Part 2 is focused on the actual powers that controlled these historical events. One cannot consider the motives that move, without first knowing the symptoms of the system so; history has to be told before the reasons can be fully understood. Provided, of course, that the knowledge or record of history doesn’t become outlawed.
(Yes, that was a “The Giver” [by Lois Lowry 1993]reference, there.)
Point is, the past has already happened, we cannot change anything in it [we should hope to never forget it], and this narrative simply aims to describe the big picture in as brief, but complete a nature as possible from one person to another.
The future is tomorrow, and today we have the power to do something about it.