Tell me about your mother. From award winning actors to serial killers, mother's get credit for a lot of things. Do you attribute your life/personality to your mother? Good, bad, ugly? I'd love to hear about it, any form.
Mothers. Mothers are supposed to be comforting. They are supposed to hug you and tell you that everything will be okay when you've given up hope.
Well, I'm here to tell you that not all mothers are that cuddly and cute. My mother abandoned me. She left me to die as a child. I was raised by a man who found me in the woods. Eventually, I ran away. I can take care of myself. After all, I have done that my whole life.
My mother is a coward and disloyal. She gave me up because she was supposed to marry a rich man, but he didn't want children and didn't know that she had a child. So, instead of taking care of me and leaving him, she left me, and never saw me again.