Gratitude Journal For The Week of 6/19/2023
A Church I follow has an app (Crossroads Anywhere) where we journal together as a community, and one of the things we journal about are things we are thankful for. I wrote these for this week's prompts from the app....
"What are you looking forward to this week?"
- Seeing Across The Spider-Verse again with my family.
- Another chance to work on getting my life balanced again.
- Making an effort to get more excited about God, and spending more time with Him.
"What are you grateful for today?"
- Starting to feel better from the stomach bug I started the week with.
- Good vibes from sports teams that I follow.
- Opportunities for creativity.
"How did someone help you this week?"
- Broadcasters bringing their passion and play by play action to me over the airwaves for my favorite teams.
- Various podcasters helping me with spiritual growth, along with entertainment (Crossroads podcasts included).
- My brother and sister-in-law for planning a bookstore adventure later this week.
Affirmation: "God listens to me."
"Is there anything you would like to thank God for this week?"
Thank You God for helping me to feel better from my early illness this week, for helping me through the rest of the work week, and for some Final Fantasy XVI, a bookstore trip, and family time to look forward to.