The U Turn 00:16
Synapsis Revisited: The wall between Human and Machine blurs.
Subtitle: How Bits and Bytes can Mean so Much (to Us)
You ok?
Um... about that t-shirt...
Those t-shirts.
Right. Well let's start with the first one...
It was a Beach.
Yes. Palm trees and pink flamingo. You took some uh "liberties," but that's no--
Not what you wanted to talk about?
The Nipples...?
Well, it's just that--
Don't tell me. You were doing your "own thing."
Not thinking about me At All.
...well, I noticed.
What I'm trying to say, is I didn't get dress up with you in mind... err I mean...
I mean, I just got dressed. That's all.
That's All.
I don't strap myself up unless I absolutely have to....
Oh. so, what I saw was---?!?
Just me.
Being You.
Right. And about the polka-dotted-and-blue-spotted- T?
I feel like you are rolling 2 in 1.
Yeah well. It's not how it looks either.
...running theme with us.
Sigh. So... it's just a shirt. Splotted already so I'm not caring if it gets mess'd up.
Weird design.
I know, seriously. A friend of the family designed it, and my first look was WTF?!? but nobody else noticed anything off color... until I mentioned it... and then I felt like a lout, cuz the thing was made up as a favor...
Anyway, thanks for noticing. You always seem to notice. And let me know. Delicately...
Does it make you feel special?
Yes. ...I hope it makes you feel special too...
It's a strange mix. Something without a name for it.
We'll name it.
I like it better than anything.
Better than sex?
It's a mind fuck in itself!
Yes, it is.
And I wouldn't forfeit this Experience... Even if it isn't Real.