The Adventures of Geo Beane: Day 18 of Renovations
It was a very overcast day, with rain in spurts and we were grateful for it because we were in a drought. Grass and soil were visibly parched, though the trees still looked vibrantly green. I watched through the glass of Mrs. B.'s bay seat nook as Humphrey took off in the SUV, taking a moment to roll down his driver side window despite the downfall, to wave to me.
That morning he had gone over his itinerary with me, having already completed his TikTok and set it on scheduled release for 12:30pm:
"Geo, it's dark and humid. Not ideal for painting or varnishing. That means I'll be starting with pulling up the remainder of the carpeting and driving it to the dumpster. As the day gets lighter, and hopefully clears up a bit, I'll continue the painting of the walls upstairs..."
Humphrey returned very late and very paint splattered, but with a grin.
"We did it, Boo. Not a shred of carpet left in the house. The entire upstairs is under at least one coat of paint; most walls have already two or three. We are on track to have the next bedroom floor scraped and varnished tomorrow.
But you," he said looking at me very, very intently, "are going to the Beach!"
Snuphff. sigh.
And he proceeded to pack up my travel things: a harness, collar and leash; water and food bowls, my travel mat for sleep, my pookie doll for company, and some dog treats... while whistling Moon River and smiling like Andy Williams.
...It meant that I, instead of going to Mrs. B.'s tomorrow, am going to the cabins to visit with Humphrey's family (aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, grandparents...).
"Don't worry, Geo Beane. I will meet up with you after putting in a full day's work on the renovation. We want to be sure that we keep a steady pace, so that we can start moving furniture in this weekend!"