The Adventures of Geo Beane: Day 19 of Renovations
Early in the morning, Humphrey drove me to Felton, thirty minutes away to the cabins at Song lake where his Momma, Grandmom, Aunts, Uncles, nieces and nephews were already waiting.
He had harnessed me up for formal company and now gave my lead to his Momma who was sure to pamper her Sweetie all day. Dropping my go-bag on the kitchen counter, Humphrey gave all his goodbye hugs and kisses to everyone in one quick turnaround.
"Goodbye, honey, come back for dinner with us," she said looking up at him with a cautious hopeful smile as he gave her hand an extra squeeze of apologies, and leaned down to give her a light kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be back soon, Beanieboo. Be good," tickling my ear and patting my muzzle, confidentially. Humphrey was all business in his work clothes, hopping into the car, with his mind on the reno, and getting this project done, asap. I knew what it meant as the familiar engine revved.
Soon he became the size of a gnat buzzing up the winding road out of the sleepy little beach resort, the gray SUV sparkling till out of sight. It was going to be a long day...
But I was the dolly. My Pomeranian antics and grin won everyone over, romping around from cabin to cabin, visiting, and strolling along the beach, rolling and digging in the sand with Momma. It was a silver day, too cool for the water, though comfortable and not rainy at all. We enjoyed exploring, then took an extended nap in the afternoon, with more chatting and laughing into the evening...
No Humphrey though. I had a feeling he would keep at it till he had gotten through to some next phase. And though there was talk of having dinner and even putting up a couch for us overnight, it was so not Humphrey. And sure enough, when he pulled in late and dust-covered we took leave, in his sincerest regrets and promises that tomorrow, "we'll drop in again and stay for visit."
The family was anxious to see the new place, understandably; and understandably, Humphrey wanted it to be a little more ready.
"Well, Beans, seems like the fam will be dropping in tomorrow."