Pot and Kettle
Sick of bullshitters
who spend their days
talking or writing about shit
they neither understand
or, and personally, I think this is worse, they know absolutely nothing about.
But by Christ, they have something to say about it.
Oh, the waste of breath, or again, worse, reading time, these idiots take out of our lives.
Seriously it drives me batshit.
I mean, how can someone sit down and decide to write about nothing, or God forbid,
say a few lines, ha! If only that was the truth, about some subject thats a hot topic in the news. Like Brexit
for instance, don't understand it, but they know it's in the news and and they know it's to do with Britain leaving the EU, now I seriously doubt they knew the EU existed until five minutes before they decided to mouth off about Brexit, you think that stopped them? Hell, no! I cry from the roof tops.
Like the election going on in the States, they know Trump and Hillary and it's off to the writing or/and bullshit races we go.
You know, come to think about it, I blame "Google" for a good chunk of both the written and verbal bullshit throwers. Give them five minutes and a iPhone and faster than you can write some wonderful verse, they've either started spouting sheer rubbish or writing about their newly found, ill advised, so called knowledge.
On and on they go, never really saying anything at all but taking one hell of a long time to say it. But say it they do, like some long shaggy dog story, but it's not funny. Also, I just can't stand people who write chapters on rubbish and there is me, unawares of what it is I'm about to read, falls into the trap, losing minutes of my life on nothing. Both, totally wasting my time and pissing me off. And, leaving me feeling an IQ point lower.
Tell you, drives me, batshit.
Don't people who do that piss you off?
I know they piss me off.