It feels like a red day
The want of it itches at the edges of my mind
Soon, it will clamor like a spoiled child
Pay attention to me!
I have no choice but to drape myself in red
I slip fevered limbs through red silk
I slide red tipped toes into patent leather that gleams,
like a mirror into my soul
It appeases the dangerous menace.
But just for a little while
Soon, the hungry beast paces through my veins.
My skin feels desperate
It crawls on caged bone
My thoughts, on a tight leash, are snapped back to red
The desire gnaws unrepentant through my belly and settles, like a smoldering fire in my loins
is the color of my sweet lovers blood
Sweet, like honey
it drips
Tonight, I will bathe in scarlet
to cage the beast
and find peace once again
~ written for Rich Withey's provocative prompt. Love the idea of a visual prompt Rich!