Let us go
Many years ago, our fathers fought for a belief. The belief we longed enjoyed, before your arrival. You arrived on our planet with your stomach of violence and fist of slavery. You rob us of our priceless possession. The possession that gave us a great name amongst many other countries.
The very possession that empowers the flame of the Statue of Liberty. And also, kindles that same flame to shine through the cricks and cracks of darkness of these world. Exposing the ruthlessness and wickedness that man proclaims upon one another.
These same precious possession is the beacon of hope, when the world around us, falls apart.
These same possession milks the fire in our lungs. It sets the volatile gases of destruction that our fathers carried upon their shoulders to the thirteen British colonies, which erupted as a molten lava, and reduced to ashes, the opposition before them, into millions of nuclear warheads ready to be launched.
The possession, I speak about, is no other, than,"FREEDOM".
Our freedom to be independent.
Our freedom to live, not by cultural believes, but as free thinkers, and to do what we please.
Our freedom to rise to the top, by any means necessary.
That is what you take from us
We can sign you up for that freedom. All you need to do, is become a citizen, pledging to abide by the rules and regulations of the land. These will incubate and nullify every uprising that will spring up, in coming times. If you choose not to comply.
Let us go
United, we stand
Divided, we fall
Thank you.