Go Back Where You Came From (a Spoof)
You don’t look like me.
Your putrid shade of green
wont’ match my earth.
Your three eyes
on the back of your head
don’t know where you’re going,
just where you’ve been.
You don’t talk like me
sound doesn’t resonate
from your absent mouth
but from your two toed feet.
Your head is not
big enough for a brain
and if it was,
you don’t think like me.
You wear no clothes
your skin is thick –
you aren’t like everyone
else on my earth.
We strived for independence
from beings like you.
Everyone here
has to be exactly alike -
except for the infirm,
the old and the weak,
the black, the brown, the white,
the red and yellow,
the ones who can’t think
or are not proportional.
Now that I think of it
we are all different
but equal.
My alien friends,
you’re stamped
from your own mold.
You’re not independent
or equal or accepted
by our Earth
so go back to
where you came from
because we
are independent
and free thinkers,
without prejudice,
we proclaim for all
to hear, and, furthermore,
I do declare,
you might drain
our economy.