Growing Up
Dear Erica,
I'm laying in bed under that tie-dye blanket you ex-friend gave you many years ago, practicing answering questions for your interview with your top choice college. I hope you worry less now. I hope you know it isn't worth the stress.
There's an unopened text from the first boy who broke your heart in my inbox. I hope you have recovered from what he did to you. I hope you are still friends because he's the only one who ever got you.
I just got those test scores back, and I am disappointed in myself. I hope you take yourself as you are. I hope you think you're good enough.
The boy you met at that concert has barely said a word to me in weeks, and it's tearing me apart. I hope you are putting yourself first. I hope you have found a love that betters you.
There are fresh scars on my thighs, and I think about adding to them a lot lately. I hope you've overcome your demons. I hope you've found a way to live with yourself.
I hope everyone was right about things getting better.
Much love,