Silence. Use this word in any context and let your thoughts flow freely. Can be written in any genre.
Silence beckons me into darkness,
As my tortured thoughts are un-caged.
The demons deep in my soul reveal themselves,
As cognitive inhibitions are let go.
Silence creeps gripping fear in mortal’s breath-
It hangs shallow and low across vast emptiness,
Yet deep and high through Never-Ending-Ness.
Fortunate souls see silence as serene,
Peacefully ignorant of the depths the mind taunts to wander-
I know the way silence lingers,
Beneath my heartbeat I cannot control.
Silence is alarming and as piercing as a scream,
My senses tingle in silence and I dare not move
In an ocean of dormant monstrosities.
Silence is black and absent of color
Reflecting all of the lights that are known-
A mysterious cloak
Over places I dare not go.