There was a sharp noise in his ear. It was one of those things that you'll have to experience, but you can think about it. It was painful and piercing, as well as migraine inducing. The boy looked at his hands, which were a sick colour. His senses were all dull, and there was no way he could tell what was happening.
The boy's eyes scanned the area, taking in everything they could. His mind was almost overloaded by the sheer icy tone, his temperature falling to deadly levels. The ringing stopped, much to his relief, but the short realisation soon set in.
Silence followed by more, overwhelming silence. He glanced at the younger boy next to him, who seemed to be shouting. Nothing. Not a sound.
He took a deep breath, shaking his head quickly as if he were having a nightmare. He was going insane. There was no noise to be heard, and he can't stand that. Not in these conditions.
He looked down once more, his skin a sickly ashen colour. He took a deep breath, slowly getting on his feet as he slowly turned to the younger one. The boy had draped across something, quietly mourning it. But before it went any further, the older one tore his eyes away to a bright light. He frowned, unknowing and unsuspecting as he slowly and carefully took a step.
Another one soon followed.
He walked for what seemed like an eternity, wanting to stop here and there. Though, the light seemed to get bigger, and strange things began to happen.
After an elongated period of time, he reached a small door. He sucked in a breath, keeping his head high as he swallowed thickly. He turned the doorknob, glancing behind him.
"Goodbye, Ty."
He then walked in.