She’s No Friend of Mine
A million times a day
It started with the morning sunlight
Often continued even after bedtime
Mom! Mom! Mom!
Wipe my butt!
Whereʼs the cookies?
Whereʼs my shoes?
Can I - Will you - Buy me -
Drive–me - Help–me - Feed me -
I need - I want - Gimme!!
I used to long for silence
I used to fantasize about changing my name
I used to get annoyed
Why is it always “MOM!"
And never "DAD!"
Then I got my wish
No more "MOM” 400 times a day
Not even once a day
I wished for silence
My wish was granted…
Silence is not a friend
Silence is a tricky little devil
Silence is a fucking cunt
Silence seems so attractive from afar
She makes you long for her
Burn with desire for her
Pray to God for her
Then when you finally find her
You discover her brutality
She's fʼll of sharp edges and trap doors
Steep drop offs and hairpin turns
And you realize it's not really quiet at all
Silence is an unbreakable scream
And you realize she's always been screaming
But that her continuous tone
Was easily drowned out by all the noise before
Back when your name was called
Back when you were needed
Back when you were useful and necessary
Back when you were a mother
A wife, a sister, a girlfriend, a daughter
Back when you were loved
Behind her million dollar smile
Silence has sharp teeth
She'll latch on if she can
If you can hear her,
It's already too late