Straight: Basis, you can kiss in movies, books, television. Marry, work, graduate. But it's not your fault that some people are prejudiced, it's not your fault for who you love.
Gay/Lesbian: "You're so gay" "You'll go to Hell". You can't kiss in movies, books, television, even holding hands has people up in arms. You can get married now, what more do you want?
Bisexual: "You have to choose" "You're lying". They wear it out like it's some fad. You might be in movies, books, television but no one really knows and they never confirm rumors for fear of backlash that she/he/they is "half-Gay".
Transgender: "You can't be a (insert gender here), you were born a (insert gender here)" You can be in movies, books, and television now but God-forbid you use a public bathroom.
Asexual: "You just haven't found the right person" "Do you reproduce with yourself?" You are not in movies, books, or television because, according to enough people, you do not exist.
Please don't worry; you're real, you're not wrong, and they can't change that.
(The quotes I used are purely for the purpose of emphasizing stereotypes. I don't believe them.)