Little Cassiopeia
Stare up at the woman
who hung the moon for you,
at the man who whittled out
stars for you to chase
into the sky. It was a game,
they said, but really
they wanted to teach you how
to swim in stardust currents,
which was your birthright,
but neither one knew
what to do with comets or
nebulae, for she was a fish
and he was the lesser dog of two.
But they did their best
and showed you all they saw,
and taught you the names
of every pinprick of light,
and sent you flying out
after those stars, laughing
full of night and the sense of right
particular to children
who know where they belong.
Go out, little diamond, little Queen,
go out! and settle
wherever in that darkling tapestry
it pleases you to shine.