Here's my random little weekend pondering: monogamy! Why is it the best thing ever? Why is it just plain awful? Where the heck did the concept even stem from? Write about it! A story, a poem, an essay. Tag me, por favor! Extra credit assignment: MAKE-UP a story of its origins (howza bout that?).
We are happy together, I'm committed and loyal and my feelings about you won't change. so with your permission, can I date another person too?
I'll let them know the situation, I'll be clear and communicate honestly. I'll tell them that you're part of the deal
Because... I love you both. and if we can make it work... is something wrong with that?
But if you're not ok with that then I'll be ok.
And if they don't want to date me that's fine too.
polyamory can work, if you're honest and sensitive.