Hopes, Dreams, and the Memories That Drive Them
A song that brings back specific memories for me is: Mozart's sonata for two pianos in D major. Search this on YouTube. First one that comes up.
I wasn't sure if it had to be a song with words or not. I actually wrote this story for another challenge once, but I never mentioned the name of the song.
When I was little, I was visiting my grandma's house. My dad and my sister had gone out to get stuff for dinner. So my grandma and I were alone. She got up and went to the piano room an I stayed in the living room working on a puzzle. I heard some fumbling and then I heard music. I walked into the piano room and listened the whole time my grandma played this song. The room was really sunny and the song was so pretty. This may seem weird but I thought that the song sounded like how yellow daisies look. I couldn't close my mouth the whole time and when she was done I just started crying. I cried for about 30 seconds then I smiled really big. I yelled right in her face that the song was pretty and I begged her to teach me how to play. (Yeah I was a weird kid) That was what inspired me to become a pianist. I'm still nowhere near as good as my grandma, though. I've tried playing the song but it didn't sound the same. I guess after you learn to play the piano, you have to learn the heart of it too.
When you listen to this song, be in a sunny room. Close your eyes and imagine a pink couch in a room with a big shiny piano filled with pretty flowers.