Sweet Heart
(12 December 2015)
And sweet heart, I see your tears
Dropping to the earth, staining, steam
Destroys the minerals and life screams
For the hurt here is genuine
The thirsty earth is suffering
And the potency, this urgency
This clergy seems distraught
If the most joyful of them is lost now
Where is God
And her brother! That brother in arms
In arms warm and snug, wanting his love
And where's it gone, she stands alone
A tiny little rope tied now,
But the boat isn't strapped to the dock now
And she stands alone, like a post
and the wind will blow and she will wait
In sleet and snow, termites grow
The wood is old and she is no
The loving hand that carved her and
Sanded down the edges, saddened by the message
His craft is no more, and she only stood to moor
A single vessel