Write a letter/note/poem/other piece of writing to the you 10 years ago. Tell/warn/encourage him/her with something they do not know ;-)
She would be only four,
Longing to explore,
The unseen world beyond her sight.
Longing to withstand through out the night
But she won't take the risk.
The risk of exploration twinned with failure.
The risks of finding a friend, or finding a hater.
Trapped inside a self claimed bubble
That she will never rupture.
Because she doesn't know.
She can't see the regret and dread,
Swarming in my head,
Like blocks made of lead
If only she knew.
I would whisper in her ear,
And tell her to embrace the fear.
Engage in the risk
Treat life as a whisk
Because then she will know.
That without risk no one,
Not even the man who created the sun,
Can experience success,
Can rise above the rest,
And become the person of her dreams.