I see you every day
Always so composed
Lovely in every way
When you smile
I melt a little inside
When you laugh
It's music for my soul
You come to me
For help and a hand
You ask for advice
I give you my all
Then you stop looking at me
You ignore my calls
I wonder why
My heart aches for you again
I need your laugh
I need your smile
Each day away hurts more and more
All I want is your gentle touches
Your whispers and endless blushes
You've left me
I'm weaker and weaker every day
I come by your house
I walk past your work
I linger near your classes
Just for a look, for a sniff
Anything to ease the pain in me
I just want to end the misery
Come back to me
Let me love you
Or I'm lost to a dizzying pain
With no relief, driving me insane
I see you one day
Another on your shoulder
I see red and I'm filled with rage
To you, I was just a phase
I shake and tremble but find vigor
To grab the gun and pull the trigger