returning back
Through time apart
our journeys split
by a sharp fork in the road
we've both expanded
we've shifted
here a little
there a lot
our borders have changed shape
pieces of us have disappeared
and new ones have risen up
from the ground
our amber walls remain standing
crumbled and ancient
encasing all the vibrancy inside
nestled in a valley
with the mountain above
we breathe in and out
our hearts beat
in constant rhythm
as people pass through
walking up and down our streets
wandering into our temples
taken in by a
slow, yet persistent
pulse of activity
learning about
and falling
in love
with themselves
with each other
with the journey
finding beauty in the simplicity
and depth we have on display
your charm more obvious than mine
less reserved
less controlled
freely laid bare
in a manner
I've never mastered
but I too offer an endless array
of hidden spaces
waiting to be discovered
for those who don't mind getting lost
down winding alleys
in the heat
with sticky skin
and droplets of sweat
running down their bodies
merged with you again
I've rejoined a current
a natural flow
I've been out of sync
since we parted
not daring to believe
you could still dissolve
all of me