10 Year Tough Talk
Look here Chickie:
Cool it on the sass. Nobody likes a know-it-all.
Also, stop plucking your eyebrows. You look surprised all the time.
Yes, you will need math later.
Call your grandma, preferably today. Trust me.
Weighing yourself is stupid. Stop doing that.
The hot guy downstairs walks around his apartment naked. Do with that what you will.
Buy stock in Apple.
Slim Jims cause heartburn.
You are always going to suck at public speaking. It’s fine.
Stop smoking, get a mammogram and cross your fingers.
You will hide to cry at work. So?
Parking in parking garages is not for you. Above-ground it whenever possible.
Like some sort of panda, you can only get pregnant on a Tuesday between noon and one thirty. Plan accordingly.
Running? Not so much. You can jog. Or walk. Let's face it, you're going to walk.
Be nicer to your mom. She loves you.