Unsolicited epub Poetry Advice
For poets considering publishing an ebook or iBook, please be advised that epub is suited for prose not poetry. Therefore, if you are going to use this tool for poetry, you must either know what you’re doing, or you must be willing to revise your document several times for the proper page breaks and various font sizes for poems in order to make the book aesthetically appealing. I will say after about 14 lines and 10 syllables per line (typical English sonnet), your poem is going to roll over to the next page. If I had to do it all over again, my poems would not exceed these standards. My poetry ebook was torture because I didn’t have a clue that epub is not suited for poetry; the iBook went a little smoother because I had survived the ebook. I would say that if you want to give it a try, go ahead, but understand that presentation is important, and because you are trying to fit a square into a circle, it may require quite a bit of effort. This advice was prompted after I purchased a fellow poet's ebook in which the poems were floating around in space (which will impact reviews), just as mine were when I received my first draft. I cannot tell you how many times I had to chang my page breaks and vary the font sizes from poem to poem before my own ebook/ibook met an acceptable standard for me. Good luck.