Melanin Is Her Makeup
The beauty caused by her melanin remains unmatched by anything not heaven-sent.
Unparalleled and flawlessly created by God above.
Nothing roaming this planet contains such a natural glow as vibrant as hers.
Brilliance embodied by the darkened hues that engulf the body of an ebony queen.
The tantalizing tints of her skin tones perfectly stroked by the brush held by the man up high.
He painted a beloved being on this canvas of a world.
Placed inside a continent showcasing pyramids and tombs.
The Sphinx sits in her lap.
Since beauty calms the lashing beast she has unrivaled power.
Her caramel colors and indulgent irises tunnel into the heart and soul of everything living to find a welcoming, warm soul.
Covergirl, L'Oreal nor Maybelline can produce a makeup that would mock her perfection.
As a product of melanin, her skin has no flaws.
Her complexion has no withdrawals.
This is her world we live in, so her physics has no laws.
Who is this specimen you ask?
Who runs this globe?
"She" is the only faultless being around, whose world this is for her to own.
"She" is the Black Woman.