A simple hello and I shut down
I see your name flash across my screen with a new message
And I'm hit with a new wave of panic
What's wrong now?
What terrible thoughts are you about to plague me with now?
What worry are you going to burden me with now?
How do you plan on bringing me down now?
But then I open the message
And you are just saying "I love you"
And I start to think this relationship isn't all what it's cracked up to be
Because even that simple "I love you" causes more panic
Because why would be anything other than negative?
And it makes me worry that you are about to do something stupid
And this life I'm living these days
Sitting around worrying about you constantly
It's not right
Your love shouldn't send me spiraling down a dark path
Finally I can put on my big girl pants and get the hell over you
When life starts to suck,
we tend to build these little fantasies,
little worlds where we are more important than we really are
And my life had just happened to be sucking at the moment
you came into view,
and you just so happened to look lovely to me,
and you spoke to me and seemed to care
So you were what my little fantasy revolved around,
what ran my little world
And I started to think I was more important than I was,
more important to you,
I thought we were close,
but we really weren't
And as my life started to suck less,
and my blindness and ignorance for you went away,
I started to realize I wasn't important,
and we weren't as close as my little fantasy and little world led me to believe
At first I was sad,
maybe even a little angry,
but I'm not anymore,
I understand now
So no,
I'm not angry,
or sad
I'm just learning how to grow up and move on
Life is too short to regret who other people love, so fuck it
I admired you from afar
while you admired them from afar
while they admired someone else from their side
I had hurt
when I saw you hurt
and you hurt
because they were happy
I hurt for you
because all I wanted
was for you to have what you wanted
and be happy
even if what you wanted wasn't me
I will hurt just the tiniest bit
that it wasn't me that you wanted
but admiring you from afar taught me one thing:
That if the one you want
wants something else
and they are happy
there is no point in hurting
because all that matters is that they are happy
Falling in Crush: The Adventures of a Serial Crusher
Oh god
Here it goes again
That feeling in my chest
That stupid smile on my face
I've developed a crush
This is how it goes:
Stage one:
Wow, this person is pretty cool
I like being friends with them
Stage two:
I don't care how I look today
But wait, they will see me
I kinda care what they think
Wait, no I don't
But I kinda do
Stage three:
This person is attractive
My attractive friend
Who I want to look nice for
Do they think I'm funny?
Why do I even care?
I so don't care
Stage four:
I might, possibly have a tiny crush
I doubt it
No I don't
I have a crush
Tiny one
So totally doesn't matter
I'll tell my best friends about it
Stage five:
Oh hey, there they are
Oh my god they are cute
And funny
And so lovely
I adore them so much
I've got a giant crush
Oh my god they are talking to me
And laughing
Look at that smile
And those eyes
I'm melting
Stage six:
They're okay I guess
Not that special to me anymore
Oh well
Hey look at this other person
Wow, this person is pretty cool
I like being friends with them
I wish you the best(worst)
Are you happier now?
Was it worth?
Taking someone's life and ripping it in two?
You only thought about yourself
Not about the ones you should have
Who did this even help?
Sure as shit not us
The ones who should have mattered most of all
You say one thing
Just to turn around and do the opposite
Sometimes I start to believe you again
I come around to warming up
But then you just hurt me again
And I'm left feeling stupid
You've kicked us while we are down
Just for your own enjoyment
So I wish you the best
And ask you this:
Are you happier now?
Look at you kiddo,
Still loving life
Loving school
Reading is your number one passion
Being with your family is your favorite thing to do
Your innocence still intact
This cruel world hasn't corrupted you just yet
Now I'm not one for spoilers, so I'll just give you some advice:
Cherish these times,
Spend more time with your loved ones,
Be a little nicer,
Put more love into this world
Knowing you, you've barely paid attention to any of this
But just be ready for what's about to come next,
Stand tall,
Stay strong,
And don't ever let people trample over you
Stick up for yourself kid
And get ready to fight
My coat
You are wearing my coat again
But it's not even that cold
It's your favorite kind of weather
You love the way the wind kisses your skin
Causing the bumps to rise a little
You are wearing my coat again
And I'm thinking it looks better on you
My clothes always look better on you
You are wearing it for another reason
You are wearing my coat again
Just because you like the smell of me on it
I give it to you willingly
Just because I like the smell of you on it
Can’t breath, too hard
How am I supposed to breath
When I have this constant pain
Never letting me get enough air
And when I try
It stops me with a quick blow to the ribs
I try to fill my lungs
But it leans in and whispers
"Don't even try it sweetie"
While digging that knife in deeper
Stopping any chances for air to get in
It will leave me at times
Letting me breathe easy for a while
Making me think it gets better
But then it snatches that hope away
Leaving me to gasp for air once more