Exhausted. Green. Exhausted. Stressed. did i mention Exhausted?
We the universe,
condensed into strands
and stalks of fragile grass.
We cover the globe, we color the globe.
Some grown in sunlight, on mountains and hills;
others in valleys and marshes, forests and cities.
We get picked. we get cut.
We’re sometimes tread on, or sickly yellow.
We still bend in tandem with the wind.
Write 555
Writers write to write, to create, to speak, to listen, to imagine, to be heard, to be remembered, to be.
Write whatever astounds you, brings joy to your day, speaks of who you are, or fascinates. There is really no limitation beyond word count restrictions.
555 word limit for your poetry, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, or memoirs.
Imagist/Minimalist poetry awakens our senses.
I invite you to write a short poem, using as few words as possible to describe a smell, a sound, or a taste. William Carlos Williams’ Red Wheelbarrow is a good example.