She first found herself in darkness, curled around the singularity that existed for an infinitesimal fraction of a nanosecond before sending her reeling on a torrent of energy. Her earliest memories were spent wandering the cloudy haze of nebulae, warming herself beside young stars that whirled in spheres of incandescent plasma. She watched as they cooled, expanded, dulled, counting with the ever constant beat that was the core of her being.
It was in this eventual coldness that she traversed the universe, recording and observing everything that had happened and would be. Her knowledge was exceeded only by her curiosity, and she was as happy as she could be among vast galaxies that fell apart at her touch.
Her influence over the cosmos was near infinite, but nothing soothed a bitter, yearning ache. For all she could do, there was one she could not.
She was alone.
The land was barren, the sky was black,
Something humanity shall never lack
To toss and turn and toss at night
Preyed upon by Sadness and Fright
Fearing all; no one is dear
Only to rules of isolation you adhere
Push family, friends away
Then blame them when they don't stay
To Regret is only to dwell in the past,
Shivering and weeping, aghast
Envious of those who had a better chance
And succeeded without a single unhappy glance
Jealously pounces without further ado
The moment someone does better than you
Believe in sportsmanship all you like
But deep down, anger strikes
Inflicting Pain can relieve some Stress
But then turns the world into a horrifying mess
Just search up any, every war
All have left a terrible scar
And so it goes full circle,
Adding details here and there
An awful tale to tell and hear
But together we can change our fate
For us, for them, for everyone's sake...
And so
The clock struck midnight, a tolling of countless bells that vibrated the still air. A wizened, old man nodded in satisfaction and vanished without a trace.
Footsteps pattered and icicles shattered musically as they marched into the parlor, batons waving and drums pounding.
Marie started awake from her sleepy position on the velvet couch, hugging the nutcracker close to her chest. She turned to face the crackling hearth and gasped.
An army of countless mice stood at attention, spears and knives at the ready under the glimmering Christmas tree. They parted to reveal a seven headed creature, swathed in dark robes and a heavy gold crown on its head.
"I am the Mouse King!" it roared. "I have come to seek a fair maiden of this world to take to my kingdom!"
Marie shook in fear as she met the glittering eyes of the Mouse King. It lashed its whip-like tail and pointed with a furred paw.
"Capture her!" The army rushed at the little girl, who struggled to her feet, but was entangled by her blanket. She fell with a thump on the floor.
Moonlight glinted coldly from the curtains as the mice surrounded Marie, pointing their sharp weapons at her. She tried to grab her precious nutcracker, but it was gone. The Mouse King raised a paw.
Suddenly, explosion sounded. Dozens of mice toppled over, stabbed by swords wielded by brightly painted toy soldiers.The Mouse King snarled as a nutcracker vaulted over the mice in front of Marie.
A fierce duel began between the king and nutcracker, the clang of metal on metal silencing the battlefield as both sides watched their leaders fight. The nutcracker fought valiantly, but was soon overpowered by the Mouse King. It lifted its sword for the killing blow.
"NO!" Marie cried. She brandished her slipper and threw it with all her might. The mice squealed in terror as the king fell onto the floor, dead. They all fled, chased by the soldiers.
The Christmas tree was growing and the floor was rising. Marie stood in shock as she shrank to the height of a mouse. The nutcracker beckoned her to an opening in the clock, just her size.
The little girl glanced behind her at her huge, familiar home. Slowly, uncertainly, she followed her beloved nutcracker to the mysterious land beyond.
And so, the clock struck midnight. Who knows what will happen afterward?
Reject the torn hearts of a long ago past
To ride with spirits of wind and night
Reach the glowing horizon at last
But long gone is the grieving sun and light.
Crush empty souls in a trap of steel
Ignite swirling flames stained with agony
Weave threads of fate into instruments that never heal
And their music shall ring for eternity.
Limp flowers adrift in a restless sea
Wash up on the shore of right and wrong
Who shall be trusted and who shall not be?
The answer laid unspoken for far too long.
A world steeped in distrust and fright
Must slowly overcome pressure and fight
Against waves of negativity bursting with spite
Standing up to embrace a dawn yet to be bright.
Crystallize a flood of tears
While hope brings with it a thousand fears
Shiver, stumble, shiver.
Listen as the voices whisper.
Run into the shaded night
Fall gracefully, out of sight.
Dance a waltz, tumble through the air
Stars diminish, the world's never fair.
A surge of cold liquid,
Ice mint, painfully savored.
Sudden oxygen deprivation
Taste relief and joy of salvation.
Whirl round and down
Never to be found.
Embrace warm folds of forgetfulness
Smile as burdens fade into mist.