Zarola and Neith.
We'd been hunting when the North Watch came.
Their glaring eyes probed as they awaited the command of their captain.
He sauntered up close, his companion beside him, paws as big as Zarola's. She stared at the Pantera, sniffing the air, no loger snarling at the guards.
I gaped at the man's luminous, yellow eyes... the ones like mine, meant to soul-connect to our companions.
By the look on his face, he was as surprised to see me as I was him.
My heart thundered. I'd thought Zarola & I were the last of our kind; our village slaughtered...
"Hello, Neith," he grinned.
What was this foreign feeling pulling me to him? Like I'd found something far more significant than I thought.
The confusion flashing over his face made me think he felt it too. But as fast as it appeared, he covered it up with a stealed resolve.
"Take her to the compound."
Everything turned to black.
#amwriting #fantasy
Dreams = danger. Thats what he was told, at least.
Rebellion was the outcome of children left to dream up worlds, large flying creatures and adventures. Parents and elders insisted on everyone drinking the pink liquid, especially children, desensitizing their young from the many dangers of imagination. Dreamless sleep was how everyone in society got along.
Keep the peace. Learn and obey.
Fifty years ago, the last recorded Dreamer brought about the largest rebellion known to man. They say he was eventually found and killed. Some say they're keeping him for tests, locked up in the depths of Building One.
Tyler Davey didn't understand all this. He often forgot about the liquid, and his momma scolded him about the dangers. If he didn't drink, they'd come take him away for disobedience. He didn't want to go away, did he?
But, Tyler had so much fun in his dreams, soaring through space, conducting the song of stars. He heard music all around him. Though there was only a select few songs he was "allowed" to listen to, he kept it as his very own secret. Like his sister Tenna's secret, about crawling out her window every Thursday night.
Then, there was a night unlike the rest. A night the stars gleamed bright, dancing, running along the sky. Fascinated, he stayed awake until his heavy eyes could no longer stay open.
He'd forgotten about the pink, gooey liquid on his nightstand.
That night, Tyler deamed.
#amwriting #writingprompt
War Maiden’s Daughter.
As Queen of the Realm, Aurelia wasn't "supposed" to fight alongside her warriors. Her duties were to make the orders, sit on her throne, and "worry not," while the knights fought and risked their lives for the kingdom. It didn't sit right in her stomach. Sitting around in silk cloths with a crown of gold atop her head was as appealing to her as bathing in a tub of sweat and saliva.
She'd only discovered the truth about her royal bloodline a few years ago, and while her new living quarters was certainly a welcoming change from her old shared domicile with six other trainees from The Flying Dagger Academy, a secret rebel academy for those with the dream of fighting and standing up to the throne... The throne in which she sat upon now. But she'd been making changes, though unwelcomed by the elders and "advisors."
Aurelia thought of her mother, and the last words she ever spoke.
"Don't ever let anyone put out that spark, Lia. You're a fighter, my little warrior. Never let that go."
Aurelia wasn't the average queen. Her father may be a retired king, but she was also a war maiden's daughter. The fight was in her blood. She'd never let that go. She'd prove to her friends that she was different from her cold-hearted father.
And she'd prove it on the battlefield.
#amwriting #writingprompt #fantasy
The Wishing Mountain
They sought treasure inside the hidden city, carved deep within the Wishing Mountain. But as he questioned the foreign, enigmatic girl they'd discovered climbing down its formidable side, eyes the color of amethyst, Daniel wondered... if he'd already found it.
She spoke in wild, indiscernable words, scowling at him as if he'd stolen something precious of hers, pacing back and forth, repremanding the three of them in her tongue. It wasn't a language Daniel had ever heard, nor did it remind him of one in particular, and having studied his fair share, that was saying something.
Travis tried to calm her with slow movements as he took calculated steps closer. Before Daniel could warn him to stay back, knowing she wasn't ready for contact, the girl whirled on him, squeezing her fist and muttering enlongated words. Travis collapsed in a heap a foot away. Morgan yelled, jumping forward to her lover. A second later, she collapsed beside him.
This all happened within the span of around fifteen seconds. Daniel held his arms out as she turned to him slowly, swallowing hard and praying his next words and movements wouldn't appear threatening. He backed away, searching her inhuman eyes for a hint of recognition as he spoke the nearest towns language, explaining their intentions and promising her safety. He only wanted to know more about the mountain and her people.
She frowned, lowering her hand and searching for an escape route. She held Daniel's gaze for a moment, hers softening for a beat before dashing off in a swirl of black hair and cloth.
#amwriting #writingprompt #adultfantasy
Realm of wisps and fog
Charlotte shivered at the chilling fog as Peter’s small hand reached for hers--the boy she’d tried to save from that train. But she’d been too late, and they’d both ended up here.
She hadn’t felt a thing. All she remembered was that she was on her way to work, walking past the train tracks when a horrified, feminine scream reached her ears... She didn’t think about it, she’d dropped her bag and ran for the little form on the tracks reaching for his ball...
Is this some strange form of limbo, she thought, striding forward at the distant hum of a crowd.
“I’m scared. Where’s mama?” Peter’s shaky voice asked.
Charlotte squeezed Peter’s hand and swallowed, searching for the strength she needed.
“Everything will be okay,” she smiled, unable to answer the quesion of his mama, pushing more confidence in those words than she felt. “I’ll be with you, I won’t leave.”
She needed to figure out what was going to happen to them.
Where were they?
The hum grew louder as they approached.
#amwriting #writingprompt
Art: emporioefikz: “Blackmore ”
Connected through fire.
Although fear fought its grip on him, he pushed it back. She wasn't going to hurt anyone, it wasn't why she'd landed. How did he know, they asked. The nudge in the back of his head, like radio static, told him so. Somehow... they were connected.
#amwriting #writingprompt #fantasy
Art : Dragon in the Woods by Simon Fetscher (Tumblr)
Breathless and in need of a reprieve from the burning sun, Drew came upon a cave buried inside the mountain. She followed the sound of a trickling creak, and gaped at the wondrous sight. An illuminated forest tucked within, and a thriving community buzzing about. Was this the reason those villagers warned her to stay away?
But why?
#amwriting #writingprompt
She'd cared for him since he was an injured, abandoned cub. He'd known they were coming before she did, circling her and growling out through the woods.
Instense growls vibrated through him as he glared at Shula's attackers, five reapers come to take her. Shield readied himself. To hunt. He needed only her signal.
Shula's palm ignited.
In an instant, Shield leapt.
#amwriting #writingprompt #fantasy
Art by: Jasonchanart.com
Nothing left of her.
She glared as he warily approached. The once tender look kept only for him, was now void of anything but an animal insistence to hunt and protect, like a lioness. What was she protecting?
He swallowed the knot of emotion. "Rahna, it's me... I won't hurt you," he crept closer, heart sinking when the flash of recognition he'd hoped for never came...
She leapt.
#amwriting #writingprompt #fantasy
Art by Yefim Kligerman