Profound guidance for our progress, growth and creativity to flourish.
Realm of the galaxy where your possibilities are infinite, limitless and empowered.
Open-mindedness inviting you to explore
and create all that remains unknown.
Suited with your inspirational abilities
we encourage you, to participate in miracles,
to color the page with your vibrations.
Embryos leading embryos fearlessly,
revealing where purpose is found in talent,
as we engage in this lyrical bliss... ... ... Prose.
Toxic Nourishment
The day is dead but venomous grub,
has him rising up before the sun.
Required to kneel,
spewing bile in a porcelain shrub;
of yesterday's sustenance, all in one hub.
Seeking fortune in a cookie...
work assumes... he's playing hooky.
Liquid and herbs; inducer... soother.
Damn intruder reversed his sewer!
[Food Poisoning]
Frigid Inheritance (JumbleTongue)
A transparent crystalline solid,
monarch of the state..
Feminine, frosty legacy,
vaulted for protection and display.
Heritage polished flawlessly,
raw, numb without dismay.
This glazed persona,
guarded and bombarded,
rumored preservation tactics,
draped in jewels, cashmere fabrics.
Tragic is this tale of rimed birthright,
forever classic in its own light.
[Ice Queen]
Think-in Images of Words Thought-out
I am a word, a symbol of an image,
expressed by me,
through the long and short of sound,
the curved and straight of lines, I deliver.
I have a purpose, animated motives -
meaning, thought and emotion.
Like oxygen or movement of the ocean,
the want, the need -
vital, transparent, intangible but reliable.
Now, Imagine life without Words...
Like energy, language can not be forged,
neither can it be created nor destroyed,
but rather here, only transformed...
Just as vibrations of the energy in our soul,
host power like the tides that roll,
express our channels, erupt in color;
My mere existence is all but held in wonder.
As water to the seed or sun to the tree,
without Me, You wouldn't, just couldn't be seen.
I feel so powerful, I know You need Me.
This image creates a burning desire.
Desire to express; Fuse ignited,
flame exerting to explosion and delighted.
Compelled thinking, causing action...
My action to result in appearance,
an image of permanence in existence.
I'm a vessel, a servant of Flame's desire,
where Your thought is my whole empire.
Portrait lost, wandering about oblivion,
encapsulated in this glass pavilion.
My influence and composition
harness power in this position,
to build and destroy,
but only Man may choose to employ...
... Spirit's knocking at the door,
with a purpose to explore...
Selected, Image-In. Word created here-in...
I am your only token to manifest this image, filter it through the flesh,
meshed with me this sketch has spoken.
Now your hunger to be seen is my beacon,
without you, I am weakened.
Thought-out, my only provision.
Rely on me, my sole mission.
Think- in is but imprisoned,
contained and silenced in a vision;
a soul of personality,
a stream of consciousness,
existence still unaware...
without Me, They wouldn't, just couldn't care.
Escape. Escape into reality.
But Beware.
Beware, misuse conducts calamity.
As a Genie in a bottle, you're my only notion.
Your wish my command,
I am Your magic potion, carpet ride...
an essential key to the gateway you find.
I, your only tour guide,
but You... You lead every session.
Existence is in my possession,
I allow You joy of life's expression.
I am an immortal;
agent of desire,
instrument of knowledge,
medium of wisdom,
channel of creation.
Use me, in essence I am Your only reality,
without Me, You couldn't, just wouldn't be.
Sincerely, Words Imagined
McGillicuddy & Menthol Mentality Muck
Fraudulent relief a futile endeavor,
cloaked in mint, this poison is clever.
Tastes good....consume.
Looks good.......devour.
Feels good......indulge.
Sounds good.......comply.
The knock-on effect like domino theory,
contagion is born generating dreary.
Warranted and witnessed;
Hypothesis authentic, conclusion confirmed.
This road traversed;
Wheels are spinning, just in reverse.
Abort. Arrest. Cease to assist.
Abandon this prescription.
Cancel my subscription.
Regards to a discarded disposition.
What is she?
Is she magic or a dream?
Is she real? I can't deem.
Heaven on earth??
She's sweet, set free, knows no bounds,
no bonds, no matter.
She's of love, sheds light
where time is but a ladder.
She hears pain in the air,
despaired souls in need of repair.
Forevermore she longs for glory
just as the night begs for morning,
suspect of the sun and prospect of anew.
She knows each day, each moment,
each torment, even those we lie dormant.
Every breath, every step, every word
led by thought; not hollow nor shallow.
She knows His love.
She uses His strength.
She obtains His mercy.
She receives His grace.
But, what is she?
You see, she's not magic, nor a dream;
Come, look closer... she's as she seems.
She can't be caught, won or lost,
acceptance of her is acquired or tossed.
She seeks our need, our being, our place,
a glimpse of heaven is on her face....
Peace in perspective, respective of trust.
Trust in I am.
Peace in He is.
Belief in You are.
You are a new way of living, of thinking,
of knowing but believing.
Believing in the Word, I am.
I am because He is.
He is living in me so as it's uttered...
I am what she is;
Forgiveness found, all lost that is forgiven.
Peace on earth, don't wait for heaven.