Ever since he was but a boy,
he was not given much reason to feel joy,
his mother died when he was born,
his father blame him for her lifelessness,
by the time Christopher was as high as a cornstock,
he was sent away to his grandmother's farm,
grabdmother Abagail was a stern old woman,
Christopher could never, ever appease her,
one day he had finally cleaned out the stalls,
grand mother made him do it again,
the night had been cold,
Christopher died of phenomena that fateful night,
died feeling that he never was quite right
Now you see me
I would choose to disappear, then expose all the liars and cheaters. I'd do everything in my power to make the world a more transparent and better place. Scheming politicians would be exposed, as well as crooked cops, and dirty corperations. After all the stones have been left upturned, I'd reappear, in a safer and fairer world.