I wonder how many people know what it's like to fall in love and have a long distance relationship and have them ask for photos, because you trust and they said that they wouldn't save and they keep that promise, but they keep asking for more photos and at the end of the relationship you realize that they never loved and only wanted you for your body
I'm so lost in my mind right now, I thought I was over my ex but I realized that I still love him, but I can't go back because my friends said not to run back to him because he's toxic. It's difficult because I still love him and I don't know what to do, I'm so lost and need a sense of direction to go
I don’t know how to tell you im broken with out feeling needy
I don’t know how to open up without feeling judged
I don’t know how to cry when my tears feel like acid
I just need you to see that im hurting without me telling you because my words are bleeding out of my mouth, waiting for you to stitch me up and make me fine although thats not your job and you’re better off without me