7 days
What would you do
if you had 7 days left
to be yourself?
Would you kiss that person
who doesn't know you,
but you love them?
Would you spend all of your money
on chocolates
Not the 69 cent kind at Michaels,
but the really expensive kind
That doesn't even taste that good?
Would you fly around the world,
wanting to see what you have never seen
wanting to be what you have never been?
Would you hug loved ones
And cuddle by the fireplace
Basking in its glow
as you read from that book that has been passed down
Generation to generation?
Would you take that piece
you kept tucked away
in the gift bag from your sisters birthday party
and type it
and send it to every editor and publisher in hopes
that you would die an author
even though an author doesn't have to be published?
7 days left.
6 days left.
5 days left.
4 days left.
Counting down
3 days left.
2 days left.
1 day left.
Do it.